Bee Balqis - My First English Blog Post
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb
Hallo semuanya. Kali ini saya ingin menulis sesuatu yang santai dan sederhana. Blog post ini juga sekaligus langkah awal merealisasikan target di tahun 2016 yaitu mulai mencoba menulis blog menggunakan bahasa inggris. Yaaaa, sebenarnya sih mencoba menantang diri sendiri. Jadi kalau tulisan saya ada yang salah, please beri tau ya :D. Terima kasih.
Ok at first, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Oka. I am from Indonesia. Now, I am a student of college in syari’ah accounting department and also a Blogger. My blog name is Bee Balqis. I usually write in Indonesian language on my blog. From now on, i will try to write in english. Maybe once in every three weeks.
Ok at first, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Oka. I am from Indonesia. Now, I am a student of college in syari’ah accounting department and also a Blogger. My blog name is Bee Balqis. I usually write in Indonesian language on my blog. From now on, i will try to write in english. Maybe once in every three weeks.
I like writing my stories since elementary school. I wrote on small and beautiful book (Diary). On 2012 I tried to express myself on blog. So that’s why I love writing because it always makes me feel better.
I try hard to learn everything about blog; such as writing, content concern, SEO and design since 2015. It was when I joined some blogger communities (Kumpulan Emak Blogger, Blogger Perempuan, Blogger Muslimah, Asinan Blogger and many more). Anyway, Thank you for accepted me for being a part of such a joy/warm groups. It’s my pleasure being part of you guys.
There were many bloggers that have amazing skill in blogging that I have already met. They are very good on blog. I always wonder how to be like them. So I will learn and practice all the time.
My big dream is to be a writer, especially to be a Jilbab Travel Writer. Like my dad, Pay Sujarwo and Asma Nadia. I think, to be a travel writer is really cool. Of course because I like traveling too.
Since 2013 I’ve joined so many writing contests and projects for pursuing my dream. I always remember some of quotes that makes me more motivated:
“Dreams are invented. We are not born with them. Impian-impian itu diciptakan atau diundang. Karena kita tidak lahir bersama mereka (impian)." (Dream Catcher by Alanda Kariza).”
The reason why I started write my blog post in English are:
- I want to increase my english skill.
- Some of my friends from overseas have ever ask me to write my blogpost in English. Therefore I hope my English blog post (stories, experiences and ideas) would useful and have a good impact for a lot of people.
- Meet a lot of (new) people. I was curious to meet and know other bloggers around the world. I think It’s gonna be fun.
I would like to share and write about traveling, culture, tourism and (sometimes) story of my life. Besides, I also want to challenge myself to write about sharia economic like zakat, accounting, fiqh muamalah, business, banking, etc. How about you?
I think that’s all (my first English post). See you in my next post.
Wah, mantap! Aku juga suka b.Inggris, tp blm berani nulis dlm b.Inggris.
BalasHapusJadi pengen nyoba, hehee..
Ok, semoga sukses ya nulis b.Inggris nya ^^
thank you. ayo dicoba. sensasinya beda pusingnya juga beda hehehe
HapusSukses nginggrisnya yaa.. semoga tetap konsisten. Saya thn lalu juga mau nulis dlm bhs inggris, tapi susah euy, hehe. It would be great if you write something in english here. I consider to post something new in my blog too. Thanks for remind me about my old and abandoned english blog, Oka.. ;)
BalasHapusit's my pleasure. keep writing. Ditunggu postingan inggrisnya ya mbak:)
HapusAku mau komen pake bahasa inggris juga tapi takut belepetan. Hihihi. I love this post, bahasanya ngga terlalu berat. Jadi masih bisa dimengerti sama org yg bahasa inggrisnya blom jago-jago bener kaya akuu. Wehehee. I'll waiting the next english post!
BalasHapuscooming soonmbak adriana. udah ada idenya tapi belum mulai nulis. hehehe
HapusWaaa..pengen komen pake bahasa inggris juga, tp jangan diketawain kalo salah yaa.. :D
BalasHapusCan't wait to read your next blog post because i want to learn more about writing english. I also have the same dream, be a travel writer and write my story both in Bahasa and in English. :)
saya juga masih belajar nginggris kok mbak. hehehe
Hapuswe have same dream? yeay. nice to hear that. let's fight for our dream.
Waaah, good luck! Aku biasanya ngeblog pake bahasa Inggris, tapi kemaren ini kepikiran pengen pake bahasa Indonesia abis kalo ngeblog pake bahasa Inggris jadi jarang ada reader dari Indonesia u,u
BalasHapusAnyway, looking forward to ur English post(s)!
kalau reader dari luar indonesia mbak? hehe. sempat mikir, blogger luar indonesia suka blogwalking juga gak yah?
Hapusanyway thank you sudah mampir dimari :)
Wait your next posts in English, dear. Keep it up.
BalasHapusthank you :)
HapusHi Bee Balqis... four thumbs up for your bravery to start writing in English. There are still few mistakes here and there, but you can catch it up while learning. Keep practicing... Semangat yaaaa!!!
BalasHapusHi Susan... i hope my next post is better than first. Thank you for visiting my blog. :)
HapusHi.. Im also try to write in english in my other blog. Everybody say that practise make perfect. So lets practise together to improve our writing skill. Hihi..
BalasHapusAku tuh kalo nulis blogpost in english, bola balik sejuta kali ke ving translator. Wkwkwkw..
Semangat mbaaa
i also did it. Bolak balik translator. for make sure before published i need two days to check and re-check. hehehehehehe.
Hapusokay let's writing :)
semangaatt semangaaatt.. waiting for ur next post :)
BalasHapusthank you for helping me mbak. cooming soon next english post :)
HapusBW di malam hari, semoga admin sehat selalu. Amin
HapusWuihh... your english blog post was good.
BalasHapusI still need more practice dear :)
Hapuskeren Mbak, kalo saya gak berani nulis pake bahasa inggris, biarlah saya menulis pakai bahasa indonesia ajah :)
BalasHapuskeep writing mbak :)
HapusSaya pengin komen pakai bahasa Inggris tapi ga pedeeee... Heuheu.. Lanjutkan, Mbak. Saya juga mau belajar lebih gigih bahasa Inggris :D
BalasHapussaya juga mbak. makanya berani-beraniin nulis nginggris hehe :) semangat
HapusWow first post is a long post. I writing english also but just two articles that i have made
BalasHapushaha really? honestly, i'm waiting for your next english blog post mbak. keep writing .
HapusGreat. This post actually reminds me about my English blog. Now I want to revive it again. Thanks thanks Oka. I'll follow your g+ to stay update.